Car Accidents Can Be Scary - We Can Help

After you’ve been in a car accident, you have a lot to deal with. Between getting the car to the body shop and dealing with insurance companies, it can be stressful and scary. That’s why we are here to help.

We know that injuries left untreated become major issues in the future. Because of Minnesota’s No Fault Laws, you are entitled to medical care for your injuries at no cost to you. Let our team help guide you through every step of the way.

CALL today FOR A free INJURY CONSULTATION 763-432-2942

or SCHEDULE ONLINE click here.

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Auto Accident in Maple Grove

If you have been in an auto accident it is important to see a medical professional. Even if you feel that you are completely unharmed there can still be unfelt injuries that you may have sustained. It is possible that these injuries may not show immediate symptoms, but they will become apparent months or even years after the accident. After an auto accident you should be checked out by a chiropractor because we are trained in and understand soft tissue and soft tissue injuries.

Symptoms and injuries that can present themselves after auto accidents include:

  • Whiplash

  • Concussions

  • Neck pain and/or stiffness

  • Headaches

  • Muscle stiffness

  • Lower back pain and/or stiffness

  • Numbness and tingling

  • Shoulder pain and pain between the shoulders

  • Pain in the arms or legs

  • Foot and hand pain

  • Pain in the jaw or face

  • Sleeping difficulties

  • Vertigo

  • Dizziness

  • Ringing in the ears

  • Blurred vision

  • Disorientation

Insurance Coverage for Chiropractic Care

After an accident, some victims worry about mounting bills. Fortunately, Minnesota is a “No-Fault state”. What that means is every auto insurance policy has Personal Injury Protection, or “PIP”, which allows you to get evaluated and treated at no cost to you. Additionally, opening a PIP claim won’t affect your cost for coverage, no matter who is at fault for an auto accident. If you are a passenger or someone who has no auto coverage of their own, you still have Personal Injury Protection benefits in MN at your disposal.

Insurance is going to cover you when you seek treatment after an auto accident and it’s YOUR health, so it makes sense to be thorough. If you have questions on this feel free to give us a call for general information or just call an attorney directly.

Chiropractors are specialists in soft tissue diagnosis and treatment, and soft tissue injuries are very common in auto accidents. So if you have been in a car accident and are experiencing any symptoms or conditions either differently or for the first time, do your body a favor and get checked out by a chiropractor.


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Whiplash Injury Relief

Whiplash is the most common injury that is thought of regarding minor car accidents, or those that people walk away from any type accident, slip or fall under their own power. Whiplash occurs from a sudden jerking motion of the head, one which pushes it in one direction, straining the tendons, muscles, and ligaments in the area. Whiplash injuries can surface immediately, or they can get worse with time. The best way to diagnose and treat whiplash injuries is immediately after they occur, before the injury has time to linger and grow, causing you many troubles down the road. If you have been in a recent car accident (or other sudden force accident) we recommend seeing a chiropractor immediately so as to get on top of any injuries, before they have time to get worse.

Chiropractic Care for Car Accidents

Besides whiplash, many other injuries can occur as a result of a car accident. The difference for many people though is that they can identify whiplash easily and can pinpoint the reason for their pain. Some of the other injuries may not be felt for quite some time, and by then, people often don’t associate them with the incident anymore.

Chiropractors are trained in and understand the relationship that the body’s parts have with each other. They understand that soft tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments) can have a tremendous effect not just in the affected area, but in distant ones as well. And they are well aware of how when the spine and back are not in alignment, the rest of the body is not either. The spine and back are generally affected during auto accidents, and when a chiropractor works on these areas, they can limit, relieve, and often eliminate the pain that occurs.

Not only can adults benefit from chiropractic care following a car accident, but children can, as well. Anyone who was in the vehicle felt the impact in their body, and while adrenaline may be working to initially limit the pain, it can certainly surface later on.

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A Personal Story

As a chiropractor I know all about whiplash injuries, or as we call them with our fancy medical jargon “rapid acceleration-deceleration injuries”. We learn all about them in school; it’s why chiropractors are the most qualified professionals to treat these injuries. But the experience of being on the other side of the situation gave me so much more compassion and a better level of care for all my patients.

While entering my last year of chiropractic school, I was in a severe roll-over accident. (The picture to the right is the actual picture of our car after it rolled two and a half times before stopping on this light-pole.) As we crawled out of the mangled car, I remember the cop saying we were all lucky to walk away. Later that day, I was discharged from the hospital and told “I was fine”. In the days and weeks after the accident it became evident that I was NOT “fine”.

I hurt all over. I had muscle and ligament damage from the jarring nature of the crash. I had bruising from the seat-belt, and the airbags hitting me, and my knees slamming into the dash. But worst of all, I was dealing with an undiagnosed concussion.

I knew the importance of getting care early, so I was taking care of myself. But the extent of my injuries caused me to drop out of the rest of the semester to focus on healing. No one talks to you about how frustrating this can be. I was doing everything right to get better quickly, but the one thing you can’t rush is time.

I am happy to say, that despite all the injuries, I don’t have chronic pain from the accident. And the whole experience made me better equipped to help you through your injuries, whether they are big or small. I see the person behind the injury and not just the diagnosis codes and insurance company.

If you have any questions about what to do after an accident, we are the professionals for you. I am here to serve you and your whole family after an accident.

In health, Dr. Allie Danielson, DC